Thursday, September 23, 2010

week 12 - survey

I have completed the survey and forwarded it on.

week 12 wrap up and social networks

we are using twitter and facebook on our website so we can keep our patrons up to date with the latest info on whats going on at the library, it also allows our patrons to be aware of the latest items in the library, whats happening and where and when, any changes etc.

week 11 Online applications and tools

Using Google Docs would be very helpful if we were applying for a grant with the libraries that connect with our boarders, such as a Home Library Service grant to do joint services in a wider area, or for school holiday sessions that may provide an activity that we could share, I activity going from library to library over the holidays, maybe sharing costs. This would be a great way to organise these things, also with our HSC Lecturers

week 9 podcasts

Podcast could be useful for advertising on our website the up coming events, vocal and pictures of what we will be doing in the activities, also we could post story times session on the podcast so patrons in our outer area could watch them.

week 10 Mashups

This could be used for promotions of the library/handouts etc., for Home Library Services, Childrens Services, Young Adult, Seniors, for products/classes/courses/etc. that we may offer to patrons.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

week 8 answer boards

This is a good tool if your not sure where to find information about anything, you can put your questions on the answer boards and anyone can answer, it may not be the answer you are after.

I am not sure if this would be a good tool for the library as some of the answers maybe misleading, if not answered by a Librarian or library staff. But if only answered by a Librarian then it may be useful if patrons who do not have acess to the library but wish to know where to look on the internet. Librarians (reference staff) can use all the resources electronically to help this patron therefore reference training for staff.

week 5 wikis

I really like the Montana Wiki because I think it is really good that they make their local history accessable to the public and that the puclic can contribute to the wiki with their own stories and parts of history not everyone knows.

If we put our local studies pictures on the wiki, patrons and locals can add to our wiki and tell us about the pictures - people in photos, places, buildings- who own or lived their etc. which will help our local history staff.

I signed up and became a member of the nsw learning wikki, I wrote about Home Library Service, and why I like doing it.

week 4 RSS

These 6 are the news feeds that i have chosen:

The Big Picture
Bloglines news
Cute overload
Home sweet home
Powerhouse museum
Weired culture

Bloglines would be very good in the library world to keep up to date with the latest info and ideas about libraries.